Gimme Abba
Gimme Abba
Gimme Abba have been touring for over 14 years performing this fabulous tribute to Abba The band have enjoyed shows and festivals worldwide with performances in France, Holland, Germany, Cyprus, Malta, Spain, Brazil, Portugal and nationwide in the United Kingdom, Scotland, Isle of Wight and Wales.
The show comes to your Event/ Festival as a 4 piece (on half playback) – 5 piece band with drummer (most popular choice) or full show band (If available – Bass, backing singers, brass etc.) with a repertoire that draws from the greatest hits of Sweden’s most famous export. This Complete and superb Abba tribute show will bring back the memories of that Golden Abba era, packed with all the popular Abba songs everyone knows and loves…
The show has developed over the years into more than just another Abba tribute – the humour, energy and enjoyment generated on stage delights audiences and provides a light hearted side to the show, without compromising any of the wonderful Abba music known and loved by millions and includes many costume changes, choreographed dance routines and together with the strong vocal harmonies re-create that original Abba party feel.
This show is suitable for all age groups and all-manner of events and venues, summer Seasons & block bookings available for the United Kingdom and Abroad!